Start revamping & creating your dream practice for just $250 with immediate self-paced access just in time for our next 1-hour coaching session October 24th


How to Build a Profitable, Sustainable, Fill-You-With-Joy Solo or Group Private Practice

Without 50+ Hour Work Weeks, Flinching When Asking for Your Fees, Juggling Multiple Side Hustles, or Worse … Working with Exploitative Insurance Companies

Get the COMPLETE step-by-step process, community, and support to give your practice the burnout-proof profitable edge it so deserves!

You wake up every day excited to go to work.

You’re clear-headed, confident, and in control of how you run your practice.

You’ve canceled your membership to Overwhelm Overload and given ol’ Burnout Blitz a cheery send-off.

That’s right! You’re rested, refreshed, and filled with passion, energy, and love for your practice.

The practice is FULL, not in an “Ugh! I resent this” way, but in an “OMIGOSH! This is why I became a therapist!” way.

You’re charging confidently for your services and attracting clients you want to work with.

You’re no longer settling for low-balling, exploitative insurance agencies or online tech companies and working long, unfulfilling hours. You are in control and your practice is healing people!

Best part? 

The practice runs like a well-oiled machine — you have more space than ever to take time off, travel, and just be with your loved ones.

That freedom you dreamt about?

No longer a dream.

Sound too good to be true?

That’s probably because right now when you think about your dream … your shoulders tense and your body fills with anxiety.

Chances are you aren’t thriving the way you dreamed. 

You're overworking. There's not enough income. And ol’ burnout is knocking on your door.

You're either stuck in overwhelm trying to get your practice started, OR you’ve started but struggle with a lack of clients, and then when you’re full ... you find yourself working with not-so-ideal clients.

You're settling for sinking into debt. You feel fearful for the next unexpected expense.

And if you have a group practice, you find yourself wondering how to scale or serve your community in a bigger way without it sucking your life away.

Your life is set up in a way that if ANYTHING changes — rent goes up, your relationship ends, or your car gets totaled  — there is very little to no buffer.

You constantly carry work with you in your brain and bring it home with you.

Even when you’re supposed to be having fun with your loved ones, you worry about your practice.

How do you build a solo or group practice that stays afloat without you sinking?

You want to feel re-energized about being a therapist but it's hard. Especially when you’re barely making any money and seeing anyone and everyone under the sun.

You find yourself dabbling with the idea of giving up on the idea, shutting it all down, or going back to a “real” job.

Because …

The more you try to figure things out on your own, the harder it gets. 

You take a few free classes and fix a few leaks in your practice. 

But before you know it, there’s a glaring gap that keeps the needle on your growth stuck!

You lack a professional support system and feel like you’ve been navigating the waters all alone.  

You lack a professional support system and feel like you’ve been navigating the waters all alone. 

NO one teaches therapists how to run a business. We’re taught how to serve. Not how to get paid a livable wage.

Grad school was all about getting licensed so you could start seeing clients.

But how do you find those clients?

How do you get paid so you can be profitable?

How do you navigate insurance-related decisions and not get ripped off?

How do you set boundaries so you can serve without depleting your spirit?

How do you manage your time and set up systems so burnout doesn’t crush you?

How do you grow your practice in a way that allows you to pay clinicians well without feeling resentful?

No one taught you this.

And even if you figured out some of it on your own or via free trainings and resources, you still need structured and holistic step-by-step support, gentle but firm guidance, and plenty of accountability so you can build the practice you dreamt of — a practice that’s profitable, sustainable, and thriving in every way!

If you’re overwhelmed with starting your practice and frustrated with the lack of ease, freedom, and financial peace of mind …

… you’re NOT to blame.

You didn’t know what you didn’t know. It’s as simple as that.

Until NOW.

Here’s the thing …

  • If you’re like most of our clients, you don’t just want a FULL practice.
  • You want a full practice that’s a joy to run. Overwhelm, second-guessing, anxiety, burnout, and stress have no place in your business.
  • You want a full practice that gives you your time back instead of clawing it angrily from you every day.
  • You want a full practice that puts perfect-fit clients in your office consistently so you’re excited to serve them and be the best clinician you can be.
  • Because when all is said and done …
  • You want to make more money but NOT at the cost of exploiting people.
  • You want to live abundantly but NOT in misalignment with your values.
  • You want more time but NOT to cut corners in your life or business.

The truth is …

  • You can set up a solo or group private practice that fully meets your personal needs while providing outstanding and compassionate clinical service.
  • You can have a successful, as-booked-as-you-like practice that doesn’t fling you into the deep hell of burnout and exhaustion.
  • You can be a confident, successful therapist who doesn’t need several side hustles just to pay the bills.

"Welp! Just paid off my husband’s student loans in full, so we are now DEBT FREE!!

Paid off $89k in student loans + car loans, and purchased a home in the freakin Silicon Valley. 

Now with 3 totally different businesses that are growing!!

It’s been 6 years since the freebie zynnyme webinars back in 2017.

I hit all my TAP 5-year vision goals 2.5 years early, even with an international vacation every year!

This is wild!!! 🤩

Also set up an arrangement where before I start a new thing or take on a new project, I need to get the green light from my 2 closest people 😂" Joanne K. August 24, 2023

Meet Your Mentors

A duo known (and loved!) for their wisdom, generosity, kindness, and a killer sense of fun.

“Kelly and Miranda's program is truly comprehensive and their approach is authentic and fun!"

— Gina Campbell

Hey there! Kelly and Miranda here. We’re two therapists who've built successful, low-stress, cash-pay private practices. Miranda created her practice during the last great recession, and Kelly built hers in an area supersaturated with therapists. Since then, we've shifted our focus to helping mental health professionals all around the world do the same!

Why did we pour our brains, hearts, and souls into Business School for Therapists?

We struggled to find reliable information to help build our practices.

There were trainings out there, but they were either outdated or not applicable to us.

The content was one-size-fits-all (and we know that trying to meet every clinician's needs with the same old content simply doesn't work!).

So much out there was piecemeal, only offering one piece to the puzzle, leaving people building practices with maybe an amazing marketing plan but missing a solid financial foundation.

Business School for Therapists began because we know, firsthand, that getting the business side of your practice on track will make you an even better therapist.

We've been doing a deep dive since 2010, putting our souls into this program — compiling the most useful information and creating fool-proof processes to help you succeed AND thrive in every stage of private practice.

  • You help me find my strengths, develop them, and flesh them out and you definitely give more in education, availability, knowledge, and ethical practices than the cost to us."
  • Working with you [two] is an effective and deep combination of "You are good enough" and "Get S*** Done!" I feel like you hold my hand when I am too scared to step on the field...but still walk me to it and then cheer while I win the game—by myself."
  • Working with either of you for even an hour is like taking a hundred hours of coursework/experience and condensing it into a manageable, doable bite! ❤️"

Our mission is to help therapists like you fulfill their purpose, be the best clinician they can be, and make a life-changing impact on every client they or their team meet!

(Don’t take our word for it though. Hear from your fellow therapists below!)

For the cost of less than ONE course in grad school, you can change your financial future.

Learn the skills you REALLY need to flourish in this profession, stop living paycheck to paycheck, and avoid being taken advantage of by predatory employers.

Cynthia from Los Angeles came to us in August of 2020. Her regular position had been eliminated due to the pandemic. She was licensed as a therapist and wanted to do therapy work, so she started working for one of the big online mental health companies. She came to us overworked and underpaid. A year later, she makes in an hour what she made in a week of working for the online therapy provider. Her practice is full, she can easily take a vacation, and she's reaching the people who need her!

A step-by-step, all-inclusive, obstacle-free roadmap created by therapists, for therapists who want to build a profitable, sustainable solo or group practice without working 50+ hours, sacrificing their spirit, or giving up their values and vision.

Building a profitable, thriving practice that doesn’t take up all your time or turn you into someone you aren't is ALL about leveraging strategies, systems, and support.


Marketing your business isn’t complicated or even challenging when you have the right strategies so you don’t burn money on shiny tools or expensive ads.

You’ll know exactly how to plan your marketing, find a profitable niche, set up your website, and use powerful messaging and sales strategies to attract perfect clients.


Systems give you your time and energy back.

You need systems that can help you automate, delegate, or eliminate tasks that are quite simply time-and-energy vampires.

You’ll also have systems for finances and marketing so you don’t leave money on the table!


We’re in this together. Isolation and loneliness add to overwhelm.

Get support so you can navigate challenges in real-time without worrying about them on your own.

Connect with like-minded therapists who will lift you up and propel you forward.

Get lifetime access to step-by-step lessons, community, and customize-in-seconds templates that fast-track your marketing, financial planning, processes, hiring (and more?) so you can give your solo or group practice the profitable foundation it needs. Even better? One year of group coaching, office hours, and much more to fast track your progress!

What You'll Find Inside

This foundational module will give you the head start you need to get the MOST out of your Business School experience and create your sustainable solo or group practice. 

Give your success a solid start with:

  • A done-for-you solo or group practice roadmap so you can use Business School to confidently grow your solo or group practice.
  • Everything you absolutely need to know to get the most out of Business School for Therapists, whether you're neurodivergent or not.
  • Powerful mindset shifts so you can enjoy working on your business.
  • Easy-to-customize client consult scripts and resources so you or your staff can convert more clients effectively when they call!
  • A quick-fire strategy to jumpstart your caseload. Perfect if you need a cash injection to get the profits pumping!

This module gives you radical clarity on who YOU are and how you can build a sustainable, profitable solo or group practice aligned with your values and vision — a practice that works for YOU.

We do this while honoring who you are and while giving you permission to buck the system or divest from oppressive systems. Because some of us have more hurdles to overcome than others.

You’ll understand how to:

  • Assess ALL the moving parts in your practice and identify what needs your immediate attention using an in-depth, custom-created analysis tool.
  • Demolish limiting beliefs and mindset blocks and get unstuck, especially when making major business moves.
  • Identify your strengths and lean into them as you build your practice profitably.
  • Cope with the anxiety of changes in your business with a rarely used but highly effective healing technique.

How do you work on your business when you barely have time to breathe? This module gives you that answer!

You’ll uncover key strategies and tested techniques to:

  • Become a practice owner who makes time to LEAD your solo or group practice, not be RUN by it!
  • Make time for YOU and your business without feeling stressed and stretched like a rubber band!
  • Deploy automation into your practice so you can wave goodbye to overwhelm.
  • Create practical plans for your monthly, quarterly, and annual tasks so they get done instead of falling through the cracks.
  • Build blank space in your calendar with outsourcing and easy-to-use tools.

Building a sustainable, profitable solo or group practice doesn’t mean you don’t care about your clients. If anything, it means you care a great deal!

In this module, you get your boundaries, policies, and client-centered processes down pat with:

  • Policies, processes, and procedures that impact clinical outcomes and business success, without making you complicit in oppressive practices.
  • Radical clarity around an oft-forgotten process that impacts your ability to provide transformative care AND reduce chaos in your life and business.
  • A step-by-step process and customizable scripts for upping your confidence in your clinical skills.
  • The know-how to handle sticky situations like no-shows, cancellations, firing clients and employees, disaster preparedness, and so much more!
  • Get clear on how to hire and onboard non-clinical and clinical staff easily and sustainably for your solo or group practice.

It’s time to start peeling the onion and start layering in profitability. Business planning may give therapists hives, but not when it’s done right.

In this module, you’ll master:

  • How to plan for profitability using the magical Business Planning Calculator whether you are solo, or already have 8+ employees.
  • Tackling ALL THE NUMBERS in your business with confidence. From taxes to payroll to expenses to take-home income, we’ll dig into it ALL with you!
  • The critical skills of navigating fee raises, insurance evals, giving back, paying yourself, and more!
  • Building a profitable practice that's ALIGNED with your ideal schedule and quality of life.
  • And of course, when/if you expand into a group, learn how to manage finances as a group practice owner confidently. Knowing how to choose your model, calculate wages, expansion expenses, payroll taxes, pay scale development, and more!

Siobhan: "Listening to the insurance module was confirmatory and I decided to drop one of my (lowest paying and quickest to get off) insurances. Feeling empowered!"

Time to start attracting those perfect-fit clients! In this module, you’ll uncover all those never-shared secrets so you can connect deeply with the clients who most need your services.

You’ll know exactly how to:

  • Get more referrals and better outcomes with a power move designed to lead perfect clients to your clinic.
  • Know your ideal client deeply and speak to their pain with empathy and authenticity.
  • Uncover exactly WHAT your clients are looking for and HOW you can make it easier for them to find you.
  • Claim your brilliance and overcome the fear of speaking about the value you bring.
  • Use a powerful 3-part messaging framework to truly showcase the transformation you create with clients and motivate them to work with your practice.

Whether you’ve got a website or are considering getting one, this is ONE robust module that’ll help you optimize your website so it pops up on Page 1 of Google and does the job of attracting clients (making your life easier!)

In this module, you’ll master:

  • The non-confusing way to build your website, from platform to positioning, so it quickly becomes your best-performing salesperson.
  • The powerful skills of writing heart-winning, client-attracting website copy.
  • SEO and all its dark mysteries! From planning for SEO to integrating it, you’ll do it all. With us!
  • The nitty-gritty of setting up your site so you can keep tabs on your site performance and know what's working and where you need to focus.
  • Covering your legal butt without needing to go to Law School!

Get ready to build that marketing momentum in a way that’s perfect for you! In this module, you’ll get ALL the strategies, systems, and support you need to build and execute a marketing plan that puts money in the bank.

You’ll know how to:

  • Give your marketing a jumpstart using our 4-step, non-icky process.
  • Create a power-packed yet easy-to-execute marketing plan.
  • Analyze your marketing plan so you can fix leaks and gaps before they explode in your face.
  • Write the SIX most effective blog posts every therapist needs on their site.
  • Use in-person and online networking even if you’re an introvert and dislike small talk!

Keep the momentum going in your profitable, sustainable solo or group practice with this module.

  • Analyze your growth and progress so you can do more of what’s working.
  • Make data-informed business decisions instead of chasing shiny objects.
  • Intentionally start adding multiple streams of revenue (NOT side hustles!) to your business that go beyond the couch.
  • Truly enjoy the experience of running a thriving practice without the burnout and with an element of FUN!

All Modules Have Workbooks, Downloadable Transcripts, AND You Can Control the Speed of Video Trainings!

But can you help me?

What if I need help NOW?!

Press play to hear Jennifer's story of transformation... She joined Business School September 14, 2023, and recorded this video on November 13, 2023.

In Fall of 2023, Jennifer reached out to us feeling panicked, overwhelmed and trapped. There were laws being passed in her state that she felt greatly impacted her ability to keep client’s psychotherapy notes private and confidential. She knew for her own sense of ethics she had to drop insurance panels. 

BUT… she couldn’t imagine people paying her out of pocket. AND… truth be told with what insurance had been reimbursing her she had been STRUGGLING in private practice already even though she was full. 

No savings account, limited time off, no retirement, no buffer… she was terrified to make a change, but also couldn’t NOT make a change. 

Want more advanced strategies? Extended support? Accountability? Answers to questions you haven’t even thought of?

Done, done, and DONE!

What if I have a pressing practice question at 2am?

This is your easy-to-use, always-available “wiki” for all those questions that’ll come up while you’re working on your business. The Private Practice Playbook has ALL the questions your fellow therapists have asked AND includes expert answers, step-by-step guides, and lessons that answer those questions.

Take a peek to see how it works!

Can You Really Cover EVERYTHING I'll Ever Need In 8 Modules?

No, but that's why we have WAY more than that! Want to dive deeper into a specific topic and need more advanced or in-depth strategies?

We got you covered with almost 500 lessons available so you have what you need when you need it!

Here’s a short list of topics you can Deep Dive into:

  • Processes and Tools
  • Legality and Compliance
  • When Life Happens in Private Practice
  • Private Practice Financials and Intersectionalities
  • Networking and Advertising
  • Brand and Image
  • Decolonization of Your Private Practice
  • Social Media for Therapists
  • Steps to Starting and Growing a Team
  • Office Spaces and Design
  • Going Beyond the Couch

Why Do Introverts, Extroverts, and Ambiverts RAVE About Y'all?

Building a profitable business can be SO much easier and even fun when you do it surrounded by like-minded therapists. 

Any time you come up against a challenge, you don’t have to battle it out alone.

Whenever you’ve got a win to celebrate, you have a crew cheering you on!

Our community is NOT on Facebook and is not only drama-free but is also diverse, supportive, and highly engaged!

What Happens When I Need Something After a Year?

Unlike grad school or even other online programs, Business School for Therapists comes with lifetime access to the materials.

Business School is designed to be completed within a year, with coaching support where you have access to the content, the calls, AND the community. After the year, you can renew for more coaching and community support, but you'll always have access to the materials (for as long as we're around*). We see LOTS of 4-12-week programs and these are just not sufficient to build the foundation you need.


Because building a sustainable, profitable practice requires access to information that grows with you, so you can navigate any changes or shifts without going back to Square 1!

*Lifetime access to materials means the life of the program and NOT our lifetime. Can you imagine us doing this at 95!?

Why Do Some People Refer to Our Business School As Bootcamp?

👉👉👉 Four weeks of intensive done-with-you support & coaching split into two-week live working sessions in the fall AND spring!! Value $3500

This is definitely a HIGHLIGHT of your Business School for Therapists experience. Without leaving the comfort of your clinic or home, you can join your fellow therapists and the zynnyme coaches for TWO WEEKS in the fall and spring for digging into your practice and getting things moving … FAST!

The real juice comes from our office hours during the LIVE working sessions. Our team of coaches will be answering your individual questions via text, audio, and video, Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm PT for 2 weeks straight!

Suprise! These working sessions also include community mixers, morning and evening LIVE sessions to get you pumped, plus LIVE Q&As with the coaches.

This is the perfect way to get direct, hands-on support specific to your private practice needs.


  • Get expert feedback and revisions to your marketing message.
  • Expert review of individual website pages for design, findability (SEO), and content. (We'll even make some edits live on video if you let us!)
  • Reviewing your marketing plan.
  • Helping work through individual blocks.
  • Any and all questions answered while you keep working forward on your business!

You’ll get ALL the details about how to make the best use of these working sessions when you jump into the Getting Started Module!



The next two-week working session is will be RAD and you will NOT want to miss this experience!

October 28th- November 8th-put it on your calendar now It'll be here before you know it.

Just a few testimonials from our last two-week working session in October! Find out how two weeks in March could change your practice and life forever!

Meet the Zynnyme Private Practice Coaching Team 

(Because this is NOT the “Miranda-and-Kelly Show”)

You are supported, coached, and guided by our talented, hands-on team.

Rebecca is a couples therapist and zynnyme business coach in Riverside, California. Becca built her practice from the start with zynnyme — no clients, no office, no business plan, and a whole lot of questions! And she's since built a full solo practice and expanded into group practice. Becca is encouraging to the core; she'll build you up, praise your progress, and celebrate with you as you break through your business blocks and build the practice of your dreams that supports the life you've always wanted. Brainspotting Phase III.

Jennie supports and serves all members of our therapist community in getting connected with what they need to start, grow, or revamp their private practice. She loves to help lower your overwhelm and remind you that you aren't alone in this journey. And she strives to make sure every single person knows they matter and CAN turn their vision into their ideal life and business. Brainspotting Phase 1.

Kelly, LMFT, is a former private practice owner and the co-founder of zynnyme. Her jam is organization, processes, and tapping into intuition as a business owner. Kelly cares about you as a whole person and wants to help you create a business that fits into your life.

Miranda, LMFT, is a former private practice owner, founder of the longest-running group for pre-licensed therapists (since 2005), and the co-founder of zynnyme. She rocks at marketing, all things tech, and creative, out-of-the-box strategies for building private practices. Playful, heart-centered, and intuitive, as your private practice expert, you'll be inspired and motivated by Miranda to take real, meaningful action.

Ryan has been a master educator and lead mentor and facilitator for over 20 years. He believes that each person is unique and that they deserve a place in the world to be seen and valued. He brings positivity, enthusiasm, and inclusivity into his accountability coaching as he helps people discover their own unique voices and talents. Brainspotting Phase 1.

Michael AKA Vargas was trained to be a therapist and then found he was meant for a different way of helping his community. He focuses his coaching on creating safety to create a life that you truly love. He has additional specialties in working with organizations, teams, leaders, and creative humans. Brainspotting Phase 1.

Eden, a former social worker is not only one of our coaches, but our Chief Integrator. She ensures the zynnyme vision is brought to life, so we can best serve the community. She's magic at creating and organizing systems and processes for keeping everything moving in the right direction and helps people stay on track! Eden believes that everyone is able to grow through what they go through and is committed to empowering others to tap into their inner strength, wisdom, and vision to achieve their goals. Brainspotting Phase 1.

*Wait, why are most of your coaches trained in Brainspotting?

What does Brainspotting have to do with private practice building?

  • Ever wonder why you know what you should do, but keep not doing it?
  • Ever feel like you are stuck in a loop and can't make progress?
  • Ever start making progress and start to feel really bad and start to self-sabotage?
  • Ever try to talk to your therapist about your business blocks and their own business blocks fill up the room and just make it all worse?!

You are not alone! Brainspotting is part of the secret sauce that can fast-track your progress.

Our coaches understand private practice and are trained in methods of Brainspotting appropriate to use in the context of a coaching relationship. Let's unravel those old patterns so you can make progress with more ease. Even better? Often these shifts impact your personal life and clinical outcomes as well! Win/win/win!

What are Business Schoolers saying about opting for a Brainspotting session?

"It's made a difference in changing or shifting some of the self-talk/self-criticism ruts (even though I still don't really understand what Brainspotting is lol). I feel very grateful I've been able to do this work."

"I've had a brainspotting session with Becca--some negative cognitions regarding my personal life have unwound, and I've found motivation to get going on personal and professional things that were inert.  So thankful for this nonverbal opportunity to engage--verbal channels can be very limiting!"

"Thank you, Ryan....last evening's coaching session/brainspotting was profound. I was "empty like a drum" (Norah Jones). Changed me." - Brenda Kelleher

Worried You’ll Feel Overwhelmed (or Worse, Underwhelmed)?

Rotating white arrows on pink background

You have NOTHING to worry about! 

Because not only will you get INSTANT access to our first three modules (we don't wanna overwhelm you); you'll also get to see for yourself how well-organized and easy-to-follow the content is with a FULL 7 days to decide whether or not Business School for Therapists is the right fit for you.

Yep, There's a 7-Day Money Back Guarantee!

Better still?

You can schedule a 15-minute, zero-pressure, all-support call to get your questions answered and make an informed decision.

*It took everything we had to not choose an old-school phone with a handle... when did we get so old!?... oh wait, we've been doing this for a LOOOONG time!! 😂 😂

Tailored-for-Therapists Bonuses to Speed Up Your Success with a Sustainable, Profitable Practice



Schedule a private 1:1 call with one of the zynnyme private practice coaches and get tailored-to-you support and/or Brainspotting to break through your blocks for FREE!



(Value: $2,000)

Looking for a deeper level of support with your own private practice coach?

You're invited to join successful group practice owner and Business Coach Becca Williams, LMFT, for a monthly group coaching call with the community!

This is your opportunity to get year-long coaching support and have all your solo or group practice questions answered by one of the experts.

Join us before our next monthly group coaching call- (usually the third Thursday of the month).

“Always blown away by the wisdom offered here, practically, and emotionally/psychologically"

"Most helpful is to learn things from others spontaneously in the spirit of "I didn't know I had that question but now that I heard the question and answer, now I realize I had the question too and now I also have the answer!"

"Best part- It breaks up the isolation and helps me not feel alone in my process and my practice. I look forward to the calls- like a life line. #BeccaLifeLine! I love being able to ask anything and when I have no questions I always learn from other people. Also a safe place to fall apart when things are not going as expected!"



Want to drop those low-paying insurance plans but don’t know how? This 15-part bonus module gives you ALL the itty-bitty, nitty-gritty details you need so you can navigate insurance-related issues without feeling like you’re drowning!

*You get INSTANT access to this bonus.



The first consult is the most crucial, which is why this bonus module is nothing short of life-changing.

You’ll get everything you need to run those initial consults so you attract and work with only the clients you can best serve. From scripts to workflows to troubleshooting, you’ll learn how to do it all so you can turn those initial conversations into client conversions.

*This bonus is a part of the Getting Started Module that you get instant access to.

"I just used the consultation tip sheet for the first time, completed a consultation in 15 minutes, and scheduled the client then and there! Thank you so much for this tool and for the support! I'm only starting to build out my practice and the value of the course is more than I could have expected."



This bundle of laser-focused mini-courses will give you all the tips, techniques, and strategies you need to leverage online media for your practice.

From podcasting to using social media more effectively to blogging or vlogging … you’ll learn about it all!



(Value: $600)

Hosted by Stara Shakti, LMFT, a Business Schooler and queer, neurodivergent, 1st-generation, Indian American and South Asian therapist with a solo practice in Los Angeles, California, this monthly online support group will be your safe space if you're neurodiverse, have ADHD, autism, dyslexia or other learning differences.



(Value: $300)

In partnership with, Business School for Therapists is eligible for up to 32 continuing education units. These 32 units are broken into 4-unit chunks, so you can create a CE schedule that works for you.

When you're ready to get a CE certificate for the eligible modules, simply take a short quiz at

Already going through a license renewal? Get your CEs on your own schedule!

PLUS, we're providing you with a BONUS of not just 32 but 50 CE units you can use to get a certificate for Business School for Therapists or ANY of the trainings offered.



(Value: $500)

This highly requested bonus gives you ALL the documentation you’ll need for your practice in one easy place. Stress, begone!

From creating a court policy that makes sure you're NEVER sitting in court losing money, to creating an assessment and documentation process that works for your unique practice, we have you covered.

We give you templates and resources, and we’ll help you understand the why, the how, and the OPTIONS! No more cookie-cutter documentation solutions that suck the life out of loving providing therapy! Understand the No Surprises Act, Good Faith Estimate, and SO MUCH MORE … this hefty bonus will be a good friend to you!

*You get INSTANT access to this bonus.



(Value: $1,500)

Ready to hire for your solo or group practice? We got you covered!

From writing clear job descriptions to interviewing and nailing contracts and agreements to training and onboarding to setting up payroll to reviewing staff and making tough decisions, like firing staff, this bonus will be like your very own HR department on tap!

*You get INSTANT access to this bonus.



In addition to these bonuses, you’ll find module-specific bonuses and/or guided meditations. These are usually optional but are perfect if you need more in-depth info OR if you're feeling stuck and unsure and need a big ol’ dose of motivation, support, or energy!

Some of these module-specific bonuses include:

  • Burnout and Burnt Therapists: Moving Beyond Trauma and Reconnecting to Joy
  • How to Bring Fun Back into Building Your Business
  • Should You Start a Waitlist?
  • Website Outsourcing Resources and Great Examples
  • Code Switching and Decolonized Marketing Strategies
  • Intersectionality and Finances



Get financial strategies straight from a Certified Financial Planner in this 5-part bonus module that walks you through everything from understanding cash flow to planning for retirement!

I️ wanted to say a special thank you to Kelly Higdon and Miranda Palmer for changing my life and making it possible for me to support myself and my family for the first time ever! — Tiffany Spilove

The total value of Business School for Therapists is $15,000. But you’ll pay nothing close to that. In fact, you'll pay a whole lot LESS.

For less than the cost of a single course in grad school, you’ll get LIFETIME access to Business School for Therapists training materials and one year of coaching support and community access.

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Will Business School for Therapists Help If You're Already Successful (But Also Seriously Stressed)?

Beth in Jacksonville, FL, joined Business School for Therapists and recouped her investment in the program within a month with the script for how to handle client calls.

Business School helped show her how she could get off of panels and create a sustainable private-pay practice. She now has a successful private-pay practice focused on Brainspotting and coaching.

Will Business School for Therapists Help If You're Ready to Ditch Insurance?

Lisabeth in Rochester, NH, joined Business School for Therapists in the fall of 2020 with a 13-year-old practice that was full but dependent on insurance. She was miserable and burnt out but didn't even realize it.

She was wasting hours per week on the phone trying to get insurance companies to correct their mistakes. She now has a practice she LOVES!

Will Business School for Therapists Help You If You Are Struggling?

Maya from Massachusetts evolved from a burnt-out private practice owner replicating the same broken systems from agency work to a thriving practice owner with a full caseload of ideal clients, an 18-hour workweek with Fridays off, and a sustainable income.

She's now feeling seen and heard as a private practice owner and has the skills and support she needs to continue to thrive.

Will Business School for Therapists Help You If You Are a Group Practice Owner?

Learn the skills you REALLY need to flourish in this profession, stop living paycheck to paycheck, and avoid being taken advantage of by predatory employers.

Like Cyndi Doyle and SO many others did.

Cyndi, LPC-S from Denton, TX, was a "successful" therapist with a full group practice that was packing her schedule to the gills. Listen to what she learned and how her life changed for her and her employees through Business School for Therapists. She also shares how it gave her time and space to come up with more cash-generating creative ideas.

Kari Ann from Wethersfield, CT came to us with an established insurance based private practice that focuses on substance abuse services. She got clear on her identity as a helper, a manager, and a group practice owner. Business School for Therapists helped her get clear on her goals and got her life and work in balance again so she could grow with confidence. She learned she could really create something sustainable for her family.

Melissa in St. George, UT joined Business School for Therapists as a stressed-out private practice owner who was moving from office space to office space. She's now transitioned into a thriving group practice with clients she loves and signed a 3-year lease to serve her community from one location.

Topics covered include: Moving from private practice to group practice, office space, fee-setting, consultation scripts, community support.

Sara from side hustle to thriving Group practice came to us and created a solid foundation that allowed her to leave her day job and expand into a profitable, sustainable group practice with ease that serves the people that she deeply wants to serve.

Or maybe you're more like Gina. She came to us barely bringing home less than $30,000 per year in profit. She had 5+ staff members AND she was seeing an entire caseload of clients! She was actually making less money as a group practice owner than she would have if she was just seeing her caseload.

BUT she was working soooo many more hours! She was terrified that her staff would think she was greedy and they would all leave if she changed anything. She felt so stuck! But she started running her numbers using our program and getting support.

Now, she's found the sweet spot where she makes a great income, works reasonable hours, pays her employees well, and she's been able to purchase commercial property for her business. She took her struggling group practice over the 7-figure mark, but what's MORE impressive is that she did it in a way that's sustainable! Can you relate?

Will Business School for Therapists Help You Be a Better Clinician?

Lauran from Orlando joined Business School in 2018 as she was starting out in private practice.

She not only grew a full solo practice with a waitlist but also expanded into a group practice and transformed her clinical outcomes ... and she's now teaching what she learned to her employees!

It wasn't just time that made her better; it was the lessons she applied to her own business from Business School.

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Still Wondering If Business School for Therapists Will Be PERFECT for YOU? 

Let’s find out!

This is for you IF:

  • You're ready to create financial security for yourself instead of making profits for everybody else (including insurance and tech companies).
  • You want to LOVE doing therapy again and make a big difference in the world.
  • You’re stressed and burnt out and you want to build a sustainable practice without continuing to spin your wheels.
  • You want to charge higher fees without feeling guilty or exploitative.
  • You’re starting from scratch but are keen to do it right and not end up overworked and underpaid.
  • You’re growing quickly and want to expand without adding to your stress levels.
  • You have a group practice and you’re struggling to fill it and retain staff.
  • You’re tired of working long hours and sacrificing family time only to pay the bills.
  • You’ve tried hiring out your marketing but it was nothing but a waste of money!

On the other hand … this may NOT be for you IF:

  • You’re okay with the status quo and have no desire to change it.
  • You believe you’re not a business person and don’t want to shift that belief.
  • You think you can 100% hire out your business to SEO, copywriting, and marketing experts and are okay with the idea of outsourcing your vision and dream to someone else.

Still reading? YAY!  

Tap the button below and let’s get you all signed up

When you join, you get LIFETIME access to the Business School for Therapists course content.

The content is designed to be completed within 12 months BUT you have LIFETIME access so you can go through it at your own pace.

You get access to 12 months of support, community, and group coaching.

You get to work on the material at your OWN pace, ask as many questions as you need until you're clear on what the right answer is for you, and after the 12 months of coaching and community … you STILL will have access to the course materials.

Still Have Questions? 

We hear you! Let’s get you some answers.

Q. Will Business School for Therapists work for me if I have a group practice?

Absolutely! Not only will you have specific-to-group lessons in the modules, but you’ll also learn how to set up the systems and processes needed so you can free up your time and lead confidently. And the ugly truth is … when you’ve created a solo and group practice from scratch, you don’t know what you don’t know. We help you find your blind spots to help make sure you don’t get any nasty surprises!

Q. Will this be relevant if I’m not in the United States?

100%! We have therapists from all over the world. The principles of building a burnout-proof, profitable practice stay the same, regardless of location.

Kris from Canada came to us with a group practice that didn't have a strong foundation. Everyone was seeing a lot of clients, but the culture, hiring practices, and processes needed an entire overhaul. She was able to rebuild a strong foundation, create a culture and processes that really work, and make a great income while getting her life balance back in order. Thanks to Business School for Therapists, she's been able to accumulate 6 figures of profits into savings alone.

Karina from Dublin, IR came to us for help with an additional stream of income. She was pretty sure that psychotherapy and psychoanalysis in Ireland just weren't valued the way they are in the United States. Despite her fears, she followed the Business School for Therapists formula, transformed her practice, and began charging a fair fee with confidence. She's since expanded into a group practice with her husband, had two children, and continued her success.

Q. Should I really be learning all this? Can’t I just hire it out?

You can. But hiring out is like slapping a band-aid on a gaping wound. It won’t fix the problem.

No marketing or sales agency will take the time to give your business the foundations it deserves. They’ll do the “job” you hire them to do, but the core of your practice will still be weak, so you won't see the results you want. In fact, you’ll find yourself spending more time, money, and effort on problem-solving with them.

Q. I’m still paying for grad school. Will this help me make more money?

Absolutely! While we’re not making any income claims here, we have plenty of success stories on this page and on our Case Studies page that showcase therapists who’ve established thriving, profitable practices that don’t burn them out.

Q. I’m already stretched thin. How much time will this need?

Creating a solid business foundation will save you SO much time, energy, money, and heartache! There are two types of time we ask you to set aside:

Weekly: We ask you to put aside 2-4 hours per week to work on your business. Each time you sit down, you'll be able to easily follow our simple roadmap of lessons that transform learning into action and make it clear how to implement changes in your business.

Twice a Year for Two-Week Working Sessions: We ask you to carve out 2-4 hours a day for learning and taking action in your business. You'll be getting your questions answered and receiving lots of support in getting your business right where you want it to be.

We'll also be asking you to schedule certain tasks on your calendar in the future and to hold those times sacred. Having a thriving business doesn’t need to overtake your life, but it is something you need to give time and attention to — just like your relationships!

Q. Will I need to hire contractors or buy expensive tools in order to get results?

The fanciest thing we’ll ask you to have access to is a laptop with the old-school version of Excel (not the online version).

Our fancy calculator is really a piece of software that requires Excel.

Otherwise, we believe in learning how to DIY whenever possible, outsourcing for the least amount of money possible, and going for the easiest tools available. So …Nope! No fancy tools or expensive ad spend is necessary!

Q. I’ve taken similar courses in the past and I’m still stuck and stressed. How will this be different?

Sorry to hear that! Business School for Therapists is different from everything else out there because of the level of support AND the depth of content.

A quick review of the course content tells you that not only have we thought of everything therapists need but we’ve also created additional resources that you may not even know you need!

Most programs will have one or the other but not both. They also usually give you ONLY 8 weeks to implement and make deep systemic change.

The reality is a lot of the hardest parts of changing your business are in fact internal. We want to challenge you to go quickly, but we also understand that deep change takes time, and we're here for it!

And because Business School for Therapists comes with LIFETIME access to the materials, you never have to worry about signing up for multiple programs!

Q. I’ll need to chat with my spouse/partner about this. Can you help?

Absolutely! We have a handy script that you can download right here and use to start the discussion with your partner to help them see how Business School for Therapists will help you get paid well and reclaim your time, energy, and love for your business.

Q. Can I buy separate modules or bonuses instead of the whole program?

No, buying separate modules or bonuses isn’t an option because it won’t solve the root cause of a practice that isn’t making enough money and is leading to burnout and exhaustion. Our modules build on one another and work in tandem to create success!

Quick example: You might think that you just need help with an amazing marketing message – Module 5.

But the reality is that in the proceeding modules we dive into: getting clear on your values, doing your market research, learning what keywords clients are using, figuring out your price point, and getting super clear on what words are best used to describe what you uniquely do.

We even teach you what to say on the phone when people call because of your great marketing message so you can actually convert AND schedule people at your new fee.

When we did these trainings separately (and we have!) people didn’t have the same results. This is a holistic program because therapists, like you, need a holistic solution.

Q. How much access do I get to Kelly and Miranda?

You’ll have access to them and the entire team during the two-week LIVE working sessions. But Coach Becca’s going to be in the community regularly.

Business School for Therapists is structured to be a step-by-step, get-all-the-answers, self-paced program with regular opportunities for hands-on support built-in via the LIVE working sessions that happen TWICE a year.

However, this isn’t a 1-on-1 coaching engagement with Kelly and Miranda.

Q. I still have questions. How can I reach you?  

Sure! You can email us at or schedule a 15-minute call here to chat through your questions.

Enroll Now

Will This Really Be WORTH It?

Let’s address the dollar-eared elephant in the room.

Look, you’ve already invested $50K-$100K in grad school. (And honestly, maybe even more with the years of being underpaid getting licensed).

Chances are you’ve already taken a couple of courses to help you get more clients. Most courses only focus on ONE element of marketing and don’t give the level of support and connection that Business School has.

Maybe you hired an agency or a social media manager or got a fancy website with all the SEO bells and whistles attached, and …  still CRICKETS! Or best-case scenario… you get a few clients but once you stop paying the agency, your pipeline dries up!

So naturally you’re wondering if this will be your last stop or yet another magic pill that promises the world but delivers pixie dust!

Your enrollment in Business School for Therapists of $2,700 IS an investment, there is no question.

Now, you are a business person. And when considering business investments - we start with math.

After 90 days in Business School, let's say you boost your hourly rate by $75.

This isn't a random figure. Our clients often achieve this by confidently renegotiating contracts or setting new, sustainable fees. You'd recoup your investment in a mere 30 sessions.

If you aim to see 18 clients a week like most Business School therapists, that’s an extra $60,000 in annual profit!

Even if you only increase by $40 an hour, you’d still earn an extra $34,560 a year.

The return can be even higher if you're starting fresh or growing a group practice.

But it’s not only about higher fees. We approach this holistically to improve your work-life balance.

Whether you want to earn more or work less without losing income, we've got strategies that work.

Moreover, at the same time, it's an investment that pays off because not only do you get clients who pay well but you also have more time and freedom to truly enjoy the life you have and feel excited about the work you’re doing.

Listen to what these therapists had to say about investing in Business School. Like you, they were hesitant too. And here’s how they feel now:

Imagine if you were to hire this out.

Most marketing agencies would charge anywhere from $3,000 - $20,000 a month, depending on what you’d hire them for. And there are NO guarantees.

Even if you were to go smaller scale and say, maybe hire a virtual assistant to do a bit of blogging, social media, and SEO work for you, you’d pay anywhere from $1,000 - $3,000 a month.

Most service providers have a 3-month minimum on retainer services.


You’d spend anywhere from $3, 000 - $60,000 and may or may not have any client growth to show for it! And none of these agencies or service providers will help you optimize and improve your clinical experience AND they don't know how to do this work within the ethical guidelines of our profession.

Alternatively, you may think getting more certifications will help. Or a more inexpensive program might be the solution.

And here’s the deal.

Your expertise isn’t what’s holding your clients back from finding you. Your marketing and positioning are.

And inexpensive programs or ongoing memberships have their place, but they don’t give you the holistic level of support that Business School for Therapists does.

NO other program gives you:

  • Step-by-step video lessons complete with workbooks and transcripts so you can set up your practice for sustainable, profitable success.
  • Ongoing support via group calls and community.
  • LIVE working sessions TWICE a year.
  • LIFETIME access to ALL content, calls, community, and updates.
  • BONUSES designed to make running a thriving practice TONS easier.

PLUS … this is a one-time payment.

There are no recurring fees.*

There are no hidden charges.

So yes, this is an investment, but if you do the math … it pays off. Richly!

*If you choose the 6-part payment plan, your payments will be monthly, but once they’re done, they’re done. These aren’t recurring payments like a membership.

In addition, if you choose to continue to extend your community access or purchase lifetime access for community and coaching, there will be a fee for that. But there are NO recurring fees for your access to the course material.

Scrolled right to the end, have we? 

Here’s what you need to know...

Right now, you have TWO choices.

Choice A: Continue as is. Yes, that's always a choice. And NO judgment for making it. You do you! 

Choice B: Join us inside Business School for Therapists so you can FINALLY see that you’re doing the right work, following your calling, AND living your life the way you want to.

You can choose to get paid well for the work you’re doing so you can stop giving yourself tension headaches, anxiety attacks, and sacrificing your peace of mind or your sleep.

You can choose to say NO to big businesses using your emotional labor and piling up their profits while you continue to live paycheck to paycheck.

You can choose to create space and sustainability in your work so fulfillment and financial freedom don’t feel like a pipedream but a reality. Paid-off student loans, fun family vacations, 25-hour work weeks, creative hobbies … all of those things can be a reality!

You can choose to be calm, empowered, confident, and in control of your time, energy, and growth.

YOU can choose ALL of this.

At the end of the day, the choice is always yours.

We hope we helped make it an easy one!

You Are Ready to Make Change! Time to Enroll!

Disclaimer: You have to make change to experience change. Each person's story, practice, and needs are different. Our program is designed to be flexible, but that does not guarantee any particular outcome or financial return. We can guarantee that if you don't make change or do anything different, your situation probably will not change. The majority of our clients report wishing they had done this earlier. Community access is available to everyone unless you're mean, rude, or demeaning to members. We protect our space to provide you with the safety you need and desire.

As seen in:

Therapy Sites Logo green leaves black and blue letters
Selling the Couch Podcast red couch
AAMFT (American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy)
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